
  1. The symphony of modern astrophotography: beyond the telescope
  2. Telescope OTA
  3. Computerized mounts
  4. Camera: DSLR/mirrorless, cooled camera or planetary/autoguiding camera
  5. Electronic focusers and rotators
  6. Guiding systems
  7. Flat field generators and telescope cover motors
  8. Environmental controllers and dew suppression solutions
  9. Two pathways to astrophotography: planetary/lunar vs. deep-sky
  10. Planetary/lunar astrophotography
  11. Deep-sky astrophotography
  12. Astrophotography with telescopes: a step-by-step guide
  13. Step 1: prepare your EQ or Alt-Az mount
  14. Step 2: install telescope onto mount and set Home position
  15. PLAY software for EAGLE or Windows 10/11 computers
  16. How to let PLAY control your devices
  17. Use CONNECT ALL to quickly connect to devices
  18. Enable dual-telescope mode to simultaneously control 2 OTAs
  19. Use PLAY to capture images
  20. Use PLANETARIUM tab to view sky chart, select targets and control mount
  21. Use FOCUS & ROTATE tab to control ESATTO or SESTO SENSO 2 focusing solutions and ARCO rotator
  22. Use CALIBRATE tab to control GIOTTO smart flat field generator or ALTO telescope cover motor
  23. Use PREVIEW tab to set your camera and preview your image
  24. Use SEQUENCER to start an image sequence acquisition
  25. Use AutoFocus to automatically find the best focus point
  26. Use Auto Alignment to automatically align your telescope to the sky
  27. Use AutoStacking to automatically improve your pictures
  28. How to record Flat calibration frames
  29. How to record Dark/Bias/Dark of Flat calibration frames
  30. Use PLAY and SharpCap to capture Moon and the Planets
  31. Use AutoStakkert and Siril for planets and Moon processing
  32. How to control PLL Observatory Stations with EAGLE computer and PLAY
  33. Step 1: startup procedure
  34. Step 2 (optional): launch handpad simulation software for your mount
  35. Step 3: launch PLAY and control your telescope
  36. Step 4: shutdown procedure
  37. PLAY safety features for PLL Observatory Stations
  38. Maintenance suggestions for using a Telescope or PLL Observatory Station
  39. Useful astronomy softwares that can be used together with PLAY
  40. PHD Guiding, the autoguiding software
  41. Drift Alignment using PHD Guiding
  42. Use PixInsight Weighted Batch Preprocessing to calibrate images recorded with PLAY
  43. Best Windows settings to optimise your computer performances